LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATIONS: To request a letter of recommendation, please email me (j.soedirgo at uva.nl) with the following information: the position for which you need a letter (if possible, with informational links), the deadline for the letter, instructions on how to submit the reference, your CV or resume, and any other relevant documentation (e.g., personal statement or cover letter). I generally will only write for students who have earned high marks (7,8 or higher) or thesis advisees. For first letters, I require at least 4 weeks notice. If I have written for you before, please ask at least two weeks in advance.
Violence and Security (BA), 2021 (w/ Marieke de Goede); 2022 [syllabus]
Southeast Asian Politics (BA), 2021 [syllabus]
Political Violence (MA), 2021 [syllabus]
Course Instructor, Politics and Government of Southeast Asia, 2020 [syllabus | teaching evaluations ]
Course Instructor, Interdisciplinary Research Methods in Contemporary Asian Studies - Political Order and Disorder Module, 2019 [module syllabus]
Course Instructor, Ethnic and Communal Violence, 2017 [ syllabus | teaching evaluations]
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Peace, Conflict, and Justice, 2019
Teaching Assistant, Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing, 2019 (Grading Only)
Teaching Assistant, Order and Disorder, 2018-2020 (Grading Only)
Teaching Assistant, Politics and Transformation of Asia-Pacific, 2011-2017 [ evaluations 2012-2013, 2015-2016]
Teaching Assistant, Canada in Comparative Perspective, 2015.
Teaching Assistant, Democracy, Dictatorship, War and Peace, 2009.
Teaching Assistant, International Conflict and Conflict Management, 2009.